Bannerlord give fief to companion So you can just take them in army and use as your troop carrying slaves. Go and talk to some of your companions that you want to make vassal. you can experiment with cheat console/commands. Per page: 15 30 50. Finally, the horse archer companion will get trained in 1h, polearms, bows, riding and athletics. Oct 1, 2024 @ 4:07pm Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Before I read here that we can use option "barter" to improve relations if we give something valuable to companion. #13. This way I had 5 towns and my nobles about 2 each (3 for more noble). They will have their weapons swapped around for training purposes and will get exp in using them. Then, the option to give a fief to one of your vassals will be unlocked. I think it is intended that by putting one companion supporting the same philosophy as the one you chose to rule your kingdom, the companion reports about the internal conflict that might help you to strengthen the kingdom around that philosophy. Next, we'll go over all of the fief's stats and how to manage Fiefs are the villages, towns, and castles scattered about the overland map. r/Bannerlord Why would you get income from a fief you gave to someone else? uhtredsKingdom • I believe this is how you would give the companion their own house. Apr 19, 2020 @ 7:34am Create parties with companions, and try to convince other clans, from other factions, to At the top, you can see your fief's current stats and how much they're earning/losing per day, highlighted in green/red respectively. Reply The fief(s) you give them provide their clan with income if the fief loyalty is maintained. Granting a fief to a certain lord will alienate all other lords who are not on friendly terms with the one who got the fief. They can be governors though. Then type in a value so the whole thing should look like "campaign. Playing ACOK here, one of my companions Gyrnir Pyke, was fairly unhappy, Almost left two-times, but I managed to convince him twice, so I decided to give him a castle & fief, so he could run around, and not leave because he was "happy". Some level up fast as party leader, others from combat. It's stupid having to drag 100 men to a random town just to tell one guy to get his ♥♥♥♥ Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Then simply propose the fief you want the new owner to There is no Marnid, Alayen, Bunduk I love all of them I lived with 17 total of them, so what about bannerlord? 1. It'll give you grace period to shore up defenses and even go on offense. I recommend keeping all of your companions with you as super strong soldiers EXCEPT your last companion slot. Even when theirs is being besieged. add_skill_xp_to_hero". Endurance+athletics/smithing on combat companions can give you extra vigor/control from perks and you can end up with some juggernauts. Choosing a companion to create a new clan Discussion I want to give a companion of mine a fief, so a new clan within my kingdom gets created. 5. Low loyalty = Don't give them they are going to get new conquered fiefs because when voting starts for that new fief there will 3 option all of them will be vassals you can't vote yourself and can't take those fiefs back if you did they will open the discussion for voting again who is going to get that same fief again you can't vote yourself those fief are How to Make Your Companions New Lords in Mount & Blade Bannerlord#Bannerlord #MountandBlade #DareToGameIn this Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord video i show you In need of a way to change companion culture in bannerlord . It'll give you a list of all the cheats for the campaign. This should give them influence (it's granted based on kills), so give them the best ranged/cav units (for more kills). Choose the “I wish to setup a marriage between you and another companion. You have to renounce the fief in the Kingdom Management screen, then vote to give it to the other clan. Maximum companions in game we can find. Reply reply Yo is there a way to have a companion or family member stay at a castle or town. 5-3. If the companion led their own party, they will keep it. My archer companion will get trained in bows, crossbows, 1h, 2h, and athletics. dialogue option to give him a title of a lord. My cavalry companion in 1h, polearms, thrown, riding and athletics. So my ratio was around 2. 7. 7 (maybe I'm blind) I have a custom troop from the custom troop mod and elevated him to companion with distinguished service, now I can't give them a fief because custom culture isn't a valid culture, it crashes every Happy to give some advice but it could be an essay and pretty complex depending how you want to take one. (you need to have no fief to be sure that the council will give it to you). They should get influence for winning battles. if you give your old fiefs back in the kingdom menue, you will get a new fief as soon there is one new conquered. Leave the mercenary contract/kingdom and you'll still be in a siege but not at war, then you can just take the fief There used to be a mod called Rulership that allowed you to grant fiefs to companions but it only works on the april build - the next mod Grant Fief hasn't been updated since may so that one crashes current build, and the "LordFromFamily" Mod is the most recent but isn't compatable with the current build yet. Horse archery is the best way to level companion riding skill. As of right now the benefit of governors is so tiny that they are next to useless. For giving fiefs you can speak with your minister. It should work that way, but I can't confirm. Companions can be rewarded and form their own clans, talk to them to do that if you have a fief to give them. Fixed a crash on loading a save (or starting a campaign) where no promoted Talk to the companion via the party screen. I think there's a current bug on 1. Ymira is the best at that. Cold hard cash. Companions are the same, wishing for a philosophy. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. As for now, fief may not need governor. Yep. Share Add a Comment. When I started I had about 1 fief per clan, until I got 3-4 clans (1-2 weeks after creating kingdom). Here are the best companions in Bannerlord as of the time of writing: One-Handed: “the Golden” (180) Two-Handed: “Bloodaxe To give a fief at any time other than when you have just taken it, you have to have the Trade 300 perk. You can find minister at your town/ castle where you made your council At 100 likes they will never hate you. To do so you will have to pay 20 000 denars , 500 influence and give him a chosen fief. My Engineering companion has 80 skill. If do, keep it with you until you got more member or lose it somehow. I went to to my husband (I chose a female character), Lord Bashetur and there was no option to give fiefs or even kick a vassal. Choosing a fief, the companion will leave the party and become a you can give them only when you have a clan in your kingdom and THEN conquer a fief. AlwaysNerdyTV The main factos is if your vassals have fiefs, their clan level,and how close is the fief you own to the fief you just conquered. They will be able to marry, have children, and expand their clan. You can give them up in the Fief section, i like to keep my territory together and defendable Wonder if 'size' of your clan plays a role in the calculations weighted to the player; given the fact any companions with you are part of your 'clan'. If you have lots of women in your clan, you can marry them to your companion clans so they can get busy earlier. You want the one that iirc is "campaign. If you dont have a minister you can give a minister position for one of your companions. Otherwise if you are a lonely king you get everything and can't give the things you take later, unless you lose and reconquer them. Top right corner on the plus icon next to all other npcs inside fief. But what about as companions in your clan? Can my companion (or even a family member) I made governor of one of my fiefs suddenly rebel and deny me the revenue and men from the fief, etc. For example I’ll have a companion that has good bow and athletic skills that boost units in their party and give them all the archers. Type campaign and click on it. I've seen other armies played by the AI in the game, and when you click on Try to get a governor with the same culture as the fief and maybe some traits to boost loyalty. You'll bank a LOT of influence very quickly either way, but sometimes voting down a war or peaxe takes a I’ll train up recruits to the needed units and pass to my companions. Hope it works! Retreat as the boss fight spawns and redo the hideout. Let your companions do the killing while you block for them. They will not Can a companion betray you? I know that if you make them vassals they might defect to an enemy. Under it, it’ll say gift and then you select who you want to give it to Since I don't have the unreasonable amount of gold to recruit just one lord, who doesn't even have a single village to their name, I granted an extra fief to a companion. However, with the 500 influnce cost this seems problematic since it will be Allows you to grant fiefs to your vassal clans and create new clans for your companions. Discussion I'm in this boat when I want to create an aserai clan with a companion and I want to give him an aserai fief but i can't take it my own, I might just take it in the kingdom section Bannerlord. Throwing weapons are a real crapshoot but if they are good at throwing already it seems a neutral addition to give them some javs. 5) Sure I got confused because I am using the diplomacy mod and remember you could get the fief to yourself, as I thought this was a vanilla option. If the character has a last name or a title in their name (like companions) inlcude the whole title and put spaces between each word just like how it is presented in If they can't use bow/xbow well then just a 2h sword and a back shield. If vassals don’t have fiefs they go broke, and they can’t afford a good party. Instead, villages are associated with a nearby castle or NOTE: Give companions turned vassals fiefs early, or the fiefs you expect them to hold the entire game preferably. You need to be faction When you give a fief to a companion, are they still useful? I just started doing this recently, but I haven't noticed them creating parties, or participating in wars. It lasts them a long time Lords support or oppose more or less the philosophy. They are no longer your personal servant. But what does this actually mean? Well, when you promote one of your companions you are essentially allowing them to start their own clan. 5 or 1. So companion 1 has 100 infantry companion 2 has 111 archers and so on. I just playing Banner Kings mod and join Southern Empire. Fiefs can change hands in several ways, the most common way being during wartime. Mar 4, 2022 @ 9:58am Any companion can become a good party leader and eventually good governor. But I found for example that I don't have this option when I speak with everybody - for example I have this option when I speak with my wife but not with random companion (option in dialogue about discussion about important things If your companion captures a noble (non troop unit), they'll deposit them in the dungeon of the player owned fief as soon as you visit. Whenever I type anything and click OK, the game just crashes. Under the kingdom tab, you’ll click on the fief tab at the top. Each fief is owned by a vassal or, in the case of the capital city of a faction, the ruler of that faction. It cost you a bunch of influence, 20k gold and a fief. The election only accessible to Rhagaea, Oros and other lords and my name not even appear eventhough I participate in ramy to get the castle and town. You’ll see all the kingdom’s fiefs on the left, when you see the one you want to gift, click on it then in the center of the screen will be a description of the fief. give_settlement_to_player omor delete name of settlement as appropriate. No mods btw. Since update 1. However, to make a companion into a lord, you can grant them ANY fief, and if that fief is lost to another kingdom, and you retake it, i can be granted again to a new companion. Set to follow and circle bandits while they empty their quivers. I give the fief to the vassal with the lower relation to build it up and then use the command console to give the fief to myself. After a battle sometimes you're given the option to recruit troops straight away, any leftover troops that you decide to not recruit will be added straight When you select a fief, a new tier 2 clan will be formed with your companion's culture and the fief will be transferred to it. Ideally party leaders have high int, combat high endurance + control and/or vigor. 1? If not then if anyone knows of a mod which allows this, please let me know! < >-< > Theoretically, once you made a vassal out of a companion, he is not anymore a companion, so I guess you should be able to create an infinite number of vassals - as long as you have fief to give them. Clans own fiefs, not characters. In that case, you can take a fief with your culture and governate it. Once you got the fiefs you want, create a kingdom (talk to a fief's steward) and make the comapanions lords according to culture. that companion will be sent to your nearest or friendly fief. Proceed to another fief. I've scoured the internet and couldn't find any way to do this in 1. Until such time as either I am always an option for awarding it or by default it goes to me. Comrade Pickles. I was playing a slower-paced game where I didn't even take my first fief until 10 years in, built up every fief I took to max before handing it out and taking more, let a whole generation of kids and nephews come of age, and got bored by the time I had half of Vlandia taken because between that and my fully-built Battania there was really nothing left the AI could threaten me with even When voting for a fief happens, withdraw all garrison and prisoners to your party, give the fief away, and then give back the troops and optionally prisoners. Since they’re a new vassal once you get support from other lords, likely nobody will support that companion getting X fief, expect for other companions turned vassal who liked them if they were in a party iirc. Talk to the companion and reward them for their service It will create a tier 2 clan with 3 dudes in it that the chance of getting married is next to none and they will die out -) Do they still count towards the companion limit if you make them a vassal? They are not a companion The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; Hi I'm looking for a mod that allows me to Grant Fiefs to a companion and make them a Vassal on 1. For a good caravan just get a good companion I think “spice vendor” or “barrelchest” are the best with their high trade The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. (Ex. You can definitely make 1 or 2 parties Press camp and you can ''rename your faction''. Maximum lord that we can assign them from companions. Also yes, when you give a companion a fief, they leave your clan, giving you another slot to recruit a new one. Is there a way I can just give them 100 sacks of grain or something? And btw I wish companions reformed their party on their own after getting destroyed. . After a couple of days I got the companions that I wanted and I decided that it is time to give Uxhal to my companion. Just charging the castle gets me killed. If not then you can give it away in kingdom tap I think Once everyones influence is below 50-100 give away all the useless fiefs you dont want or make sure the ones you want to steal are in proximity to those you already have otherwise the AI wont suggest you as a new owner. I keep one or two towns and their corresponding castles for my self, everything else i give to my vassals. talk to the party and there is an option to give companion to the party #12 < > Showing 1-12 of 12 comments . Something you consider that I have not had a lot of experience in, is that you want to try to give your new plans the most secure settlements. It will include them and 2 other people (exclusively male I believe). But no fief. I have them lead a unit type that the companion gives perks to. I assume it means they're starving. Does it matter for the sake of how strong the clan will get what skills he has? Locked post. Members Online • AFK_MIA Go to kingdom -> fiefs -> (choose your fief) -> give away It honestly saves you from so much relationship loss it’s unbelievable. But that requires you "knighting" them and making them start their own clan. Bug The game crashes whenever I gift a companion a fief, more specifically when the game asks me what my companion's kingdom name should be. Is this possible? I only see the "Kick from clan" button, but that's it. The companions I promoted Can’t give myself a fief as king . Give the important fiefs (towns, castles) to lords with higher relationships and the villages to less dependable lords. Apr 7, 2020 @ 4:40am Originally posted by eighthsin: Don't bother giving them anything - they can join other clans and all the stuff you gave Marrying is fully RNG if you let the AI handle it. 2. Probably not implemented yet Stay indipendant and accumulate companions with cultures matching the fiefs' cultures: only attack rebel towns and buy fiefs from clan leaders with the everything has a price perk from the trade skill tree. If PC: install RBM or some other mod that lets tournaments give XP. Should I be using companion parties? Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Try making them governor of the fief you want to give them. There will still be an election and the game may or may not put the new clan up for getting the fief, but either way you have a new clan with good relations with you! Is there any way I can give them some of the fiefs I own? Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > [EN] General Discussions > Topic Details. If im extremely wealthy i’ll give poor vassals a million denars to compensate them for not having a fief. Your relationship with all of these lords may drop by several points. Or maybe a buttload of crafted javelins and swords. Recruit said clan, give his fiefs back. Afterwards you will be able to name his clan and once that is The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. Take your companions on a I have 3 parties led by companions, and just noticed one of them losing troops with every step. As the king you have the final say on who gets any fief. You seem to want to break up your clan in several clans based on families within. Otherwise you'll just have to wait until loyalty slowly goes up, do some construction, stop construction when loyalty is low and repeat. I’m just worried about doing all of that just for them to defect later because my relation with my friendliest companion is only +4 and the others are 0 *Fief trick* You need a fief to give them, BUT you can use the temporary owner ship you have of a new fief as the faction ruler, before the proper election, to raise up a new clan. Go to Bannerlord r/Bannerlord I believe I saw somewhere that it is because companion clans start out at clan tier 2 and can only have 1 party at that tier. The companion will be removed from your clan and become the leader of their new clan. Give fief to companions to make them as Lord Which one is best and which one never side, just wondering do we companions lord can Yeah I saw you need to give them a fief, spend 500 influence, and I think 25,000 denars. Console cheat to get fief? I gathered a huge army and spent a lot of influence to capture a city. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews There you can give him a fief and ask for one gold in return. New comments cannot be posted. If you go til the "kingdom" tab and then "fiefs you should see a list of all the castles and cities your kingdom has, just scroll until you see your new castle and mark it, then look for a "give away" button and click on it. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Anyone know how to make a companion your vassal and give them the fief like in warband? You can do it but you need to give your castle or city to them. I just did this with 3 companions last week. ” option. Why my clan keep giving lands to this MF Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. upvotes Companions can’t make armies unless you promote them to clan leaders and make them not companions anymore - this also requires you give them a fief. But since then, I've yet to see them leave the court of my own fiefs. I dont think you can give them to companions but if you want to give it to a clan you have to go into the kingdom screen and click the fief Reply reply Home; Popular; TOPICS. The elections started message will show and you can choose between the options. You need trade skill leveled all the way up to use a fief to recruit a clan in negotiations. He’s in your main court, which Anyone know how to make a companion your vassal and give them the fief like in warband? Don't think you can. #9. Select the vassal you would like them to marry. I'm using all imperial troops, half cavalry because map speed. 0 though, join a kingdom as a mercenary, start a siege solo. For example i had a couple clans in the beginning that were tier 2 companion clans so they were content with just having 1 fief. Companions are members of your clan, like adopted children. You will end up with a poor tier 2 clan of 3 bros that will never get married (most likely) If you want more parties of The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. Members Online. add_trade_xp_to_hero Nia the Golden 1000000". ZuLozz. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Whenever I do manage to build a camp in a siege the enemy always has 4 siege weapons built, so if innately manage to get one built it gets destroyed instantly. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Give fief to companion Can you do this now in 1. "How do I give a fief to one of my companions?" Party Menu, select Companion, Talk, option: "What do you think about holding a Fief?" . Only the ruler of a clan can hold land. If they were in your party, a new party will be created for them with a If it's too hard for you, give the fief to someone else and wait for a war against your own culture. Gaming. This sandbox action-RPG strategy hybrid will take players on a journey into a fictional world of up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, bigger, bloodier and more intense than ever before. The most simple difference in playthroughs/factions is just whether if faction is expanding wihtout any fiefs loss, or not. Once you have promoted a companion one of the things you are See more The companion will start a new clan as your vassal. campaign. You can only trade fiefs in the barter screen if you have the perk from a high enough Underestimated if i wanted to give fief to some stupid lord or without personality companion dont you think i woud have done it no i wanted to give it to my stupid seed that i waited forever to not be a child I really don't get it Your clan is your family. Here’s a list of all the governor perks that give loyalty bonuses. Maybe I'm just not Read that people liked giving their companions fiefs so they don't have to hunt down lords to join them and what not. Maybe even try proposing to give a settlement to someone else on the fief tab and hope they give it you lol Good policies for this would be: Serfdom (-1 militia) Hunting rights Debasement of the currency Imperial towns Royal guard Trial by Jury (maybe. Go to your minister and say you want to give a vassal a fief. The nobleman wont have this option, must be either Wife or Companion. Your family members cant be voted on to own a fief as they are in your clan. Play in Sandbox? Well, prioritise pumping out those baby quick. There is no real “penalties” for holding all the land. It takes a while, but if you can get your companion to 250 Leadership before you make them a vassal, you can give them the perk which gives an additional clan party. if you have a very high clan-lvl (4+), you will be able to get some more fiefs in the votes Bannerlord: How do you make a companion take his own army? I mean I want to disband a companion for my army, but I want him to start and army on his own and keep belonging to my clan, to my faction. #1. Without Trade 300, you cannot offer a fief as an enticement to get a lord to join you. 6. ? Can they betray you when in your party or out on a mission? Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Should be there to gift them the fief and they become their own clan for your kingdom. 20k gold, and 500 influence I think it is. Companions can make parties pretty early on. If that doesn't work it'll give you the correct format for you to type. Yo any news on when we'll be able to do this??? Can't bribe people to join my kingdom cause I can't offer them fiefs, and I'm stuck with the ones I The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. In Warband, you can try to persuade other vassals that you deserve the fief. Villages, unlike castles and towns, cannot be captured directly. Don't bother with governors unless you have a spouse that has terrible stats and you don't mind plopping them down in some city somewhere to give them something to do. Mograth. In my last sandbox game I made a vassal-clan from a companion usually every two castles I conquered (kept all towns for my own clan), so at The next installment in the acclaimed Mount & Blade game series, entitled: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Often you join a faction and help it do very well, get a fief in enemy territory (away from other vassals fiefs), become the lightning rod for the enemy attacks, defend your fief, allow faction to keep expanding and you easily are nominated for more and more fiefs for A good governer can reduce garrison cost, also look into upgrades in manage town to reduce garrison cost or increase tax income. I've found 1h/shield companions honestly do fuck all in most battles. If you make your companion a seperate army the chatbox will not allow for it either How do get vassals then? I discovered that you can convince vassals from other tribes and It's really not worth giving companions fiefs until later in the game when you level them up to at least a 12 in all 4 major stats, and a 4 in leadership, then they are generally suitable with good However, you can grant fiefs to companions who are not family members. Reply reply AFK_MIA why can You only give a fief to 1 out of 3 ? You shold be able to pic from all your vassals, so you can give a battanian fief to a battanian lord, to not get rebellion Tim110590 (OP) is not haleondk. Whats the best way to give away fiefs, in the sense who will make best use of it? My only understanding right now is to find a balance of a clan thats high tier(lvl 5 or 4) and have several family members so the wealth goes to more vassals. As experienced player what I did was, take 2 fiefs from enemy clan X. 4 the player is now able to ‘promote’ a companion and reward them for their service to you. Check your companions to see if they Depends on the companion's starting stats. For other lords, you need to recruit them into your kingdom and then you can gift them a fief. flyingscot1066. And you can promote a companion to a noble. You need a fief to give and spend influence to make a companion a vassal. We already conquer 50% of the map and I'm yet to gain any fief. The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. You give back the fief to the kingdom who will immediately have a new vote which you will not take part in. head down to "Fiefs" tab in your clan's menu and assign one of your companions to be a governor of that fief. Then go to keep to talk to them. Your companions are far better spent either leading parties of their own or running caravans. You need to give them a fief as well. You can go from town to town, recruit companion, grant fief. Check in manage to see if you remove most or all garrison can you still have net positive tax from that fief or not. But the ruler will keep it for himself instead of giving it to me, and I really want this city. I don't know what happens if the player has no fiefs. 6 I've tried Rulership which crashes when giving a fief and I've tried Grant Fief but it isn't updated for my version any help with rulership or another mod suggestion would be The next installment in the acclaimed Mount & Blade game series, entitled: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Question I'll make it short, I made my own kingdom and need more fiefs to my name to give away to companions to get more vassals, but every time a settlement is taken I'm not even on the ballot. Helpful if you Giving out fiefs to companions in Bannerlord . Yes, daughters take the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Then how am I supposed to get vassals if I cannot give them fiefs? Cash. But you can assign How do you give a fief to God? The player is only given the fief if they get the highest score of all lords in their faction. pwt lteat sizsr bwb lubygoyd wiirvuw kyb wuybfb pgyon emzh bih bhf vlvmi qvitxl vkumur